mandag den 12. januar 2009

Background for this blog

For some time I have been searching the internet for information about jaw surgery, which I have to go through some time this spring/summer. During my search I came across a lot of blogs, which have helped me in my quest. Maybe this blog will help others in the same situation.

I have never been friends with my teeth. Since I was 13 years old, dentists have tried to improve my bite, but with no luck. Last summer I got braces for the third time. There was nothing left to do. My bite had been getting increasingly worse, and my face had changed a lot, in a bad way. I didn't have much of a chin, and my overbite had grown.

Today I have had my braces on for 225 days. That is a long time. Every night I cross off the days in my calender, because I am so impatient to get to my goal. It seems like there's still a long way to go. On my last apointment my dentist said that on my next visit in febuary, they would make some molds of my teeth to see if I was ready for surgery. Today he said that maybe it would be postponed to march 24.

I try to be patient, but it feels like the braces are ruining my social life, because I am always so preoccupied with my braces and eating and getting food stuck in my braces. I really hate eating in public.