mandag den 13. juli 2009

Date for surgery in October :´(

Finally, my orthodontist called me. I had been trying to get in touch with him for almost three weeks. I had left my phone number by the secretary 5 times. Wednesday, last week I got to talk to him, but he had forgotten my molds at his house, so he couldn´t give me a date before looking at them. I couldn't believe my ears. Then he said he would call sunday, which he did. But he had disappointing news. I am ready for surgery, but I can't get a surgery date before the 5 th of October. There are just no openings before that.

This means that I will have to wear these darn things for four extra months. I understand that surgeons go on holiday. I would understand if my teeth weren't ready. But I don't understand that this professor in Orthodontics can't schedule a surgery date at the hospital in time.

I wish that my regular orthodontist was in charge of my case instead of this lazy, absentminded professor. He is not the one, who has been preparing my teeth. He was supposed to call me three weeks ago. Morten, my regular orthodontist, had prepared everything and he said that I should get a surgery date in august, because I was ready. I hate this eternal waiting and not having control over anything. And all I can do is wait and live with the increasing pain in my jaw, which develops into headaches...

torsdag den 2. juli 2009

Waiting by the phone...

Time is too slow

for those who wait

too swift for those who fear

too long for those who grieve

too short for those who rejoyce

but for those who wear braces

time is eternity...

I am just waiting for my orthodontist to call and tell me, when I can have my surgery.